
Antal Hidas: Loving You - I Am Alive (Míg szeretlek - élek)

As long as you love me
I will live, I won't die.
Guide me as Polaris,
my fear is not to die.

No time, no distance
can break or destroy.
Your ever growing love
dissolves all this horror.

Storms can drag me around,
winds can whirl me about:
and wanting it boldly
this dread I do carry.

I do love you more than
I ever loved before.
Listen to the growing
grass singing a swishing song:

spring will come, spring is here . . .
Life is marching along,
it’s burning in the spring . . .

Loving you - I am alive!

Translated by: Maria Bencsath

Gábor Garai: I Am With You (Veled vagyok)

Do you feel when you’re worried or sad
am with you, I talk to you;
as I also hear your sad sigh waft 
to me when I have my trouble!

I cannot ever live without you;
you see, if you are far or near 
- although your sweet charm is all around - 
your bitter joy embraces me. 

We who became one in pain, in the
forbidden zone (and in sin - would
the saints say!), will we find one fine day
our word of mutual grace?

Will we find it? We would search for it,
hungrily until judgement day!
Till this unlikely light shines on us 
the diamond-moon of our faith.

Translated by: Maria Bencsath


Jenő Dsida: Every Day Ends in the Evening (Minden nap esttel végződik)

Every day ends in the evening.
All the noise, all ends in silence.
Everything ends with something that's nothing
and suffering becomes a dead letter.

They close the windows here, there, everywhere,
dark shutter-eyes without any reason
embrace my face, pull it to their own.
Every day ends in the evening.

I'm looking for a gate with no angel,
looking for those still open eyes
that tell me: I understand you.
Yet, all the noise, all ends in silence.

They also lock the churches at this time of night,
God wraps himself into his spiraled,
heavy and dense many-pleated coat -
everything ends with something that's nothing.

Nobody may talk as late as that time of night,
the beggars huddle together under caved bushes,
the crickets are chirping. It's evening.
And suffering becomes a wordless poem.

Translated by: Maria Bencsath


Mihály Váci: At the End (Végül)

Nothing matters at the end, nothing at all but

to be loved!

Ah! To want someone as much as to even endure 
not to be loved!
Oh, those escapes, then to hang on! The only desire       
is to be loved!

Afraid to be alone. An embrace! And you will endure
not to be loved.
Mellowed from loneliness, and the only wish at the end is 
not to be scorned.
To experience illness, disasters and silvery Christmas Eve
without anyone, alone?
To realize the passing time, what is now, what is 
still going to be, alone?!

Ah, no! Nothing matters at the end, nothing at all

- not even to be loved.

Oh, at the end, he only cries, wants to still love someone,

wants to still love someone.
To have someone who would let you: - think about you 
One or two nights. 

Translated by: Maria Bencsath