
Attila József: You Know There Is No Pardon (Tudod, hogy nincs bocsánat)

You know there is no pardon,
useless is then your sorrow.
Be what you would be: a man.
Behind you, grass will still grow.

The crime will not be lighter,
no use shedding tears after.
That you are the truth for this,
be grateful for that at least.

Don't accuse and don't promise,
to yourself, should not be mean,
don't triumph and don't flatter,
don't follow that other crowd.

Remain to be redundant,
secrets should never be found.
Don’t despise this humanity,
after all, you are part of it.

Remember how you’ve raved
and have begged to no avail.
You became a false witness
at your very own inquest.

In ruin you called for Lord,
for man if there wasn't god.
And found instead wretched kids
in psychoanalysis.

You believed in carefree words,
believed paid supporters,
and look, never were you told
that you were good and not wronged.

Were loved by being cheated,
you can't love since you cheated.
You should squeeze the loaded gun
to your idle empty heart.

Or throw away your principles
and look forward to true love,
for you would trust only those
who trusted you like a dog.

Translated by: Maria Bencsath